This collection presents 753 photographs and drawings of the 1976-1978 excavations conducted in the church of Saint‑Bénigne in Dijon, France. Carolyn Marino Malone, USC Professor Emerita, directed these excavations in the nave and courtyard of the existing Gothic Cathedral with the aid of a National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant. The excavations focused on discovering the plan of the pre-Romanesque abbey church of Saint‑Bénigne, built between 1001-1016, but also unearthed 6th and 9th century remains. In this collection, the photographs and drawings are arranged according to the chronological sequence of discovery in each of the excavated areas. The primary publication of the excavation, "Les Fouilles de Saint‑Bénigne de Dijon (1976‑1978) et le problème de l'église de l'an mil,” Bulletin Monumental, 138 (1980): 253‑84, which won the Courtlandt-Elliott Prize from the Medieval Academy of America in 1982, and other related publications are included in the collection.
In this archive the photos and drawings are to be viewed in chronological order within each trench of the excavation. To access the successive images correctly, it is necessary to click the word Sort (at the top right) of each section and highlight the following words on the following page that will appear: medium labels (first column), file names (third column, near bottom), and then ascending order (third column, near top). Then click apply (bottom right corner). Please ignore other features that appear in the web design, such as Conceptually Similar and Linked assets, which are automatically generated based on the titles, descriptions, and tags of other assets not necessarily in this collection. Carolyn Malone did not select these comparisons which are meaningless.